Choosing a college isn’t just about making one good decision. It can have a huge impact on your life and career. In my latest podcast episode, I’m joined by education expert Michael B. Horn to talk about different types of students when it comes to choosing a college, how their goals and attitudes affect their decision-making, and how parents can help them make better learning decisions. Listen Now…
gap year
THCC Episode 131 Gap Years and Gap Time
Should your child take a gap year before college? Many students use gap years to explore and develop new skills or experiences before they go off to college. Learn how they work, who should consider them, and how best to use them in my interview with gap time expert Holly Bull. Listen Now…
My Teen Isn’t Going To College Right After High School (And It’s Not a Bad Thing)
Some students don’t want to go to college right after they graduate high school, and many parents worry that this could ruin their future. Our resident mom blogger, Katie Bingham-Smith, explains why delaying college isn’t necessarily a bad thing and why she’s supporting her son’s decision to hold off on college and pursue other options first.
THCC105 – What Walt Disney Can Teach Us About College Planning Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Barnes, Professor and Author
TTHC 37 – My Daughter’s Gap Year. Interview with Kurt and Audrey Jacobsen
This episode features an interview with Audrey, a student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and her father Kurt. They share their advice and experience regarding gap years. Audrey took a year off after high school to pursue additional learning opportunities in Africa. A gap year is something your children may consider in the […]
TTHC28 – Taking a Gap Year Interview with Holly Bull, President, Center for Interim Programs
It may be a bit fearsome to consider, but taking a year off after high school or during your college career can be a huge benefit for students. Holly Bull was a student who did just that and she now counsels students on how they too can do the same, effectively, as President of the […]