Choosing a college major and a potential career can be a big challenge for many students, and it’s often a struggle for parents too. Should you push your child toward a particular major or career? Should you help them decide? What do you do if they’re undecided? Get answers to these and many other questions in my latest blog with loads of helpful advice.
choosing a career
THCC Episode 147 – Making Wise College Decisions with the 5|10|20 Outcomes Rule
Parents want to help their kids plan for college, and one of the biggest challenges is helping them make a wise decision. In this podcast episode, I’m joined by Mike Flynn, owner of Engenius Learning, to talk about when it’s best to start preparing your student for college, how much emphasis to put on testing, and how to use his 5|10|20 outcomes rule to balance your investment in college against your long-term outcomes and financial returns. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 143 – Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life
Choosing a college isn’t just about making one good decision. It can have a huge impact on your life and career. In my latest podcast episode, I’m joined by education expert Michael B. Horn to talk about different types of students when it comes to choosing a college, how their goals and attitudes affect their decision-making, and how parents can help them make better learning decisions. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 140 – Choosing a Career Path
Choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions your student will ever make. But sometimes students are undecided, and parents can make some big mistakes in trying to help them. In this interview with career coach Kristin Clark, we talk about how students can choose the right career for their future and what parents should and shouldn’t do to help them along. Listen Now…