To have a successful career, college-bound students need to develop essential skills for success that they often need to discover and learn on their own. In my interview with Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit and instructor at MIT’s Career Success Accelerator, we talk about how parents can help students find the right career path, including how to start planning, how to network and build career skills, and how to land a perfect job. Listen Now…
career choices
THCC Episode 143 – Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life
Choosing a college isn’t just about making one good decision. It can have a huge impact on your life and career. In my latest podcast episode, I’m joined by education expert Michael B. Horn to talk about different types of students when it comes to choosing a college, how their goals and attitudes affect their decision-making, and how parents can help them make better learning decisions. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 140 – Choosing a Career Path
Choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions your student will ever make. But sometimes students are undecided, and parents can make some big mistakes in trying to help them. In this interview with career coach Kristin Clark, we talk about how students can choose the right career for their future and what parents should and shouldn’t do to help them along. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 136 – The Prepared Graduate
Getting a college degree doesn’t guarantee that your child will be hired after graduation. To increase their chances of success, they need to be prepared and do the right things while they’re still in high school and college. Find out more about what they need to do and how you can help them as a parent in my latest podcast interview with Kyyah Abdul, author of The Prepared Graduate. Listen Now…
TTHC 31 – Grant Baldwin, Major Decisions, Career Choices
Welcome! We’re talking with Grant Baldwin, who is a speaker, author and entrepreneur and his expertise is in helping students choose a major or career path. We hope to benefit from his insights on helping high school and college students take the next step in their own life plan. Later, I’ll be outlining the 5 […]