If you or your children have borrowed federal student loans, and you currently have any balances, you are potentially eligible for the new student loan forgiveness program announced by President Biden. Here are some quick facts and details you should know about the program, whether you qualify, and how to apply.
Student Loans
Federal Direct Student Loans – Questions & Answers
Get answers to common questions about federal Direct Loans to help you decide if they’re right for you.
Learn from This Family’s BIG College Financial Mistakes
Parents never want to let their kids down, but it can easily happen when it comes to college and financial aid. If you make bad financial assumptions and don’t do your research, you can end up ruining your child’s college dreams. That’s what happened to one family that came to me after they made some huge mistakes and learned the hard way. But here’s how you can avoid doing the same thing by taking the right steps right now.
The Best Student Loan Options for 2024-25
College is expensive, and it’s not getting any cheaper. This is why it pays to know your best student loan options. Here are the top student loans to help you pay for college, save money, and avoid graduating with crippling financial debt.
THCC Episode 127 – Student Loans and How to Avoid Student Debt
Want to learn the basics of student loans and how to avoid graduating with huge college debt? Join Brad and his guest, independent educational consultant Chuck Erickson, as they talk about student loans, how they work, the best options for students and their families, and provide answers to some of parents’ most common loans questions. Listen Now…
Will Student Loans Be Forgiven?
Student loan forgiveness has been a big topic in political campaigns, but what does it mean for parents who may still have student loans, who may have already paid off their loans, or are sending kids off to college soon? Read what our mom blogger found out as she sought the answers.