If you have a child who’s heading off to college soon, you might be wondering how you’re going to pay for the costs. There are only six ways to pay, and most families will use a combination of some or all of them. Here’s a breakdown of the six ways to pay and some important things to keep in mind for each one.
Student Loans
9 Things You Should Know About Private Student Loans
Some families use government loans to help pay for college, but they might not cover all your costs or provide the best possible interest rates. In this article, we’ll explore private student loans, how they work, and how to determine if they’re a good strategy or alternative for your family.
9 Things Parents Should Know About PLUS Loans
Every parent should know about PLUS Loans. They can help fill the gap that financial aid doesn’t cover, and they can even cover your entire college costs. Almost any parent can qualify, so read my article to learn more about PLUS Loans and how they work.
11 Things You Should Know About Federal Direct Loans
Thinking about using student loans to help pay for college? Federal Direct Loans are usually the best option due to their favorable terms and relatively low cost. Here’s what you need to know about how they work, interest rates, terms, payments and more.
THCC Episode 164 – Semester at Sea
Semester at Sea is an accredited study-abroad program for college students, which takes place on a ship, MV World Odyssey. Students visit eight to 10 countries over a span of 100 to 105 days while they take classes aboard the ship as well as in the field, and gain invaluable experiences and a global perspective. On my podcast, I spoke with Scott Marshall, CEO of Semester at Sea, to talk about this fascinating program, how it works, and what if offers students. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 161 – Accessible Education for All
Most parents want to help their kids get the best education after high school. But they’re not sure whether college is the right fit or how to pay for it without ending up in too much debt. In my podcast interview with Marry Morris, the former Treasurer of Virginia and now the CEO of Virginia529, she provided some great advice and unbiased insights on how to get the best education with minimal debt, and what options students and their parents should consider. Listen Now…