If you have a child who’s heading off to college soon, you might be wondering how you’re going to pay for the costs. There are only six ways to pay, and most families will use a combination of some or all of them. Here’s a breakdown of the six ways to pay and some important things to keep in mind for each one.
financial aid
7 Quick Tips for FAFSA Season
It’s October, and that means it’s FAFSA season. The Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available beginning October 1 of each year. Here are the 7 quick tips you need to know to make sure you don’t miss any deadlines and don’t miss out on any financial aid opportunities.
Student Aid Index: What Parents and Students Should Know
The Student Aid Index (SAI) is a number used by college financial aid administrators to measure families’ ability to pay for college. It’s part of the process of determining how much need-based financial aid your student is eligible to receive. SAI will be the new name for what was previously known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and it will go into effect on July 1, 2023, along with many other changes to the FAFSA and college financial aid process. Learn more about SAI, how it works, and what’s changing in my quick overview article.
The 5 Types of Federal Financial Aid
Most college financial aid and loans are based on federal grants, funds, and subsidies provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
There are a total of five types of federal financial aid, and it’s important to understand each one, whether it will be available to your family, and what it might mean for you.
THCC Episode 164 – Semester at Sea
Semester at Sea is an accredited study-abroad program for college students, which takes place on a ship, MV World Odyssey. Students visit eight to 10 countries over a span of 100 to 105 days while they take classes aboard the ship as well as in the field, and gain invaluable experiences and a global perspective. On my podcast, I spoke with Scott Marshall, CEO of Semester at Sea, to talk about this fascinating program, how it works, and what if offers students. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 162 – Getting Into Law School
Students interested in attending law school should start preparing and learning about the process as early as possible, even before they apply to an undergraduate college. In my podcast interview with Sydney Montgomery, a leading consultant and expert on law school admissions and legal careers, we talked about what students should know and what they should do to prepare and apply for law school and maximize their chances of success. Listen Now…