If you have a child who’s heading off to college soon, you might be wondering how you’re going to pay for the costs. There are only six ways to pay, and most families will use a combination of some or all of them. Here’s a breakdown of the six ways to pay and some important things to keep in mind for each one.
paying for college
3 Last-Minute Strategies to Save on College Costs
If you or your children have borrowed federal student loans, and you currently have any balances, you are potentially eligible for the new student loan forgiveness program announced by President Biden. Here are some quick facts and details you should know about the program, whether you qualify, and how to apply.
How to Save Thousands on College with Small Academic Improvements
How would you like your child to get a college scholarship worth $10,000 per year? How about boosting that award from $10,000 to $24,000? Here’s how big savings like these are possible with small academic improvements that your student can make on their college test scores or GPA.
How My Ex-Husband and I Are Paying for Our Kids’ College
What’s the best way to split college costs between two divorced parents? Here’s one approach that many parents should consider, and it starts with having a conversation with your ex-spouse and your college-bound student.
THCC118 – Understanding College Tax Deductions Interview with Craig Cody, Certified Tax Coach and Author “Secrets of a Tax Free Life”
What is a certified tax coach? “We help our clients keep more of what they make by lowering their tax liability through legal means,” describes our guest Craig Cody. He is a best selling author and certified tax coach that works in all 50 states with his average client saving over $20,000 a year in taxes. Filling out the forms properly is very different from planning your life to get the most back from completing those boxes. Listen to this short episode for all of the tax secrets you can’t miss! Read More…