Parents want to help their kids plan for college, and one of the biggest challenges is helping them make a wise decision. In this podcast episode, I’m joined by Mike Flynn, owner of Engenius Learning, to talk about when it’s best to start preparing your student for college, how much emphasis to put on testing, and how to use his 5|10|20 outcomes rule to balance your investment in college against your long-term outcomes and financial returns. Listen Now…
SAT scores
THCC85– Should Your Student Test Again as a Senior? Interview with Lauren Gaggioli, Founder of Higher Scores Test Prep
Meet Lauren Gaggioli, expert tutor and founder of Higher Scores Test Prep. We’ve invited her back today to help figure out if seniors need to test again on the SAT. This is a huge investment that ripples across the future of a future college student. Is your senior the one that needs to take the test again? Read More…