To help ensure that your student gets into the right college and gets on the right path to graduating debt-free, you need to take the right first step. And you may need to encourage your student to pursue passion projects and community service to help them discover the right career path and the best version of themselves. Learn more in my podcast interview with Shellee Howard, founder and CEO of College Ready. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 149 – Making a Debt-Free Degree Possible
Can you really graduate from college debt-free? Are scholarships even possible for students who don’t have a high GPA or aren’t a star athlete? In this podcast episode, I’m joined by Denise Thomas, the Debt-Free College Coach, to talk about how virtually any student can graduate debt-free, earn scholarships, and make college affordable by learning her great tips and insights for students and their parents. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 146 – Getting Out of College Debt-Free
Most parents and students assume there’s no way to graduate from college debt-free. But Kristina Ellis managed to graduate from college and grad school with zero debt, all thanks to honest conversations with her mom and an early start on scholarship applications and college planning beginning in her freshman year of high school. Hear Kristina’s best advice and recommended resources in the latest episode of the Taming the High Cost of College podcast. Listen Now…