Can you really graduate from college debt-free? Are scholarships even possible for students who don’t have a high GPA or aren’t a star athlete? In this podcast episode, I’m joined by Denise Thomas, the Debt-Free College Coach, to talk about how virtually any student can graduate debt-free, earn scholarships, and make college affordable by learning her great tips and insights for students and their parents. Listen Now…
paying off student loans
TTHC51 – Consolidating and Paying Off Student Loans Interview with Andrew Josuweit, CEO of Student Loan Hero
In this episode, Andrew Josuweit shares his expertise in helping students, parents, and other borrowers better manage their loans and make better financial decisions. College is an Investment “The average 2015 graduate walked across the stage to get their diploma with approximately $35,000 in student loan debt,” says Josuweit. “That means about $400 a month […]