Loan repayment assistance programs (LRAPs) are now offered at some colleges and graduate schools, and if your student is covered, these programs will cover 100% of their student and parent loan payments if their post-graduation income is unusually low. Learn more about these programs and how they work in my interview with Peter Samuelson, President of Ardeo Education Solutions, a public benefit company that partners with higher education institutions to provide LRAPs. Listen Now…
college debt
THCC Episode 146 – Getting Out of College Debt-Free
Most parents and students assume there’s no way to graduate from college debt-free. But Kristina Ellis managed to graduate from college and grad school with zero debt, all thanks to honest conversations with her mom and an early start on scholarship applications and college planning beginning in her freshman year of high school. Hear Kristina’s best advice and recommended resources in the latest episode of the Taming the High Cost of College podcast. Listen Now…
THCC103 – The Ugly Truth About Debt Interview with Travis Jennings, Founder of Debt Reduction Inc.
“Debt is a bad thing and your personal finances have to be in order,” states our guest today and creator of Debt Reduction Inc. Travis Jennings. Read More…