Being a student-athlete can provide great opportunities to earn college scholarships while earning a degree and growing as a person. But parents and students need to know about the recruiting process first. Find out more about how recruiting works in my podcast interview with Lisa Strasman, president of Next College Student Athlete, an athletic recruiting platform. Listen Now…
college sports
THCC111- The Reality of Athletic Recruiting, a talk with NCSA Interview with Lisa Strasman, President of Next College Student Athlete
Meet Lisa Strasman, the President of the premier college athletics recruiting organization Next College Student Athlete. She is here on our show today to give you the secrets needed to be recruited for college sports at any level. These days, coaches are going to games to look only at specific players. “Of course there are examples of coaches finding kids, but it is really not the norm,” says Strasman. How do you get onto a coach’s list? Tune in here to find out what you can do to separate your student from the pack and get recruited for athletics! Read More…
THCC76 – Get Recruited! Understanding College Athletics. Interview with Jon Fugler, Founder and CEO of
Do you have an athletic child? Would you like them to be recruited to college for sports and earn some scholarships? In this episode, college athletics expert Jon Fugler explains some of the ins and outs of the athletic portion of college planning. Read More…