Many people have started questioning the value of a college degree, and many students don’t finish their degree because they’re not confident that it will pay off. But the real facts and numbers show that a college degree is one of the best investments you can make. If you have any doubts about the return you’ll get, you can even buy Degree Insurance at some colleges and universities. In my podcast interview with Wade Eyerly, CEO and founder of Degree Insurance, we talked about how this insurance works and how a degree makes a measurable and major difference in a student’s life over the long run. Listen Now…
Taming the High Cost of College
THCC Episode 157 – College in 3: Getting Your College Degree in 3 Years
The new College in 3 experiment is a new way that higher education experts are working with colleges and businesses to develop new programs that allow students to earn a degree in just three years, with more relevant and beneficial instruction and experience for their future careers. Learn how this concept works and which colleges are beginning to implement it by listening to my podcast interview with Dr. Lori Carrell, Chancellor of the University of Minnesota Rochester, and Dr. Bob Zemsky, Professor of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 156 – Is a Liberal Arts Degree Worth It?
Many people believe that liberal arts studies don’t have practical value, but nothing could be further from the truth. In research with over 1,000 college graduates, Dr. Richard Detweiler discovered that a liberal arts education has a lasting impact on a student’s lifelong success, leadership, altruism, learning, and fulfillment. Find out how liberal arts degrees provide these advantages in my podcast interview with Rick. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 155 – The Parent Compass: Navigating Your Teen’s Wellness and Academic Journey
Parents often have the best of intentions in how they raise their kids and provide guidance for their future, but they can inadvertently do a lot of damage. Certain parenting styles can be very detrimental to your kids’ wellness, their academic journey, and their future. Learn how to be a better parent and prepare your kids for success in my podcast interview with Cindy Muchnick, an educational consultant and author of The Parent Compass who explains the do’s and don’ts and how to be supportive in the most effective ways. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 154 – 529 Plans and the Gift of College
Patricia Roberts is a former college student who had to borrow thousands of dollars in student loans to help her pay for school. But once she became a parent, she didn’t want her daughter to suffer through the same struggle. She used a 529 plan to save and invest money for college tax-free, and her daughter graduated college with zero debt. Along the way, Patricia became an expert in 529 plans and founded a company and platform that helps parents learn about them and make their own 529 investments. Listen to my interview with Patricia to learn more about 529 plans and why they’re such a great option. Listen Now…
THCC Episode 153 – College Success Habits: 7 Powerful Principles
Jesse Mogle spent 12 years attending college as his personal struggles and behavioral issues threatened to derail his future. But he eventually found his way to success and now helps students develop the right habits and mindset to stay on track. In my latest podcast, I interviewed Jesse to find out how parents can help their kids excel in college and beyond by cultivating emotional intelligence and by employing the seven powerful principles that Jesse now teaches as a coach and mentor for students of all levels. Listen Now…