The aim for Gopaul is to help undecided students entering college choose a major to help them save time and money. Her podcast format asks the same questions of professionals that most students might want to know and in hearing the insights from those who have “been there,” students can tighten their focus and select a major before they start.
- Felicia explains what topics the “Career 100” guests tackle
- How to find the right interview for you
- What have you got to lose? A lot, if you’re undecided.
- What additional resources are out there to hear from professionals about their careers
- We also cover: The Princeton Review’s The 2014 Top Party Schools list is out – what does it mean if your school is on it or if it’s not
- Brad Recommends: “The Everything College Checklist Book” – how it will help keep everyone on track during the college planning process
“Career100” podcast
The Princeton Review
The 2014 Top Party Schools
“The Everything College Checklist Book”
Order “The Everything College Checklist”
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